Saturday 23 May 2020

Elocution Holiday Homework Class 2

 Elocution Holiday Homework
Week 1 Activity - Be a story teller!
It’s time for you to be a storyteller for your favourite soft toy.

Tips to do the activity
1.        Select any short story which is your favourite.
2.      You might have some soft toy/robot /any other toy of your choice. Take that toy as your audience.
3.      Now your audience is ready and you are the storyteller.
4.      Take your favourite book in your hand and narrate the story.
5.      Try to change your voice as per the set timing and the characters of the story!
6.      Have fun!!
7.      Request your parents to record the same if you wish!

Week 2 Activity - Picture Reading – 
Art Integrated
‘Let the picture talk!!’

Tips to do the activity
1.        Look carefully at the picture above.
2.      Take note of all that you see and write 6-7 sentences.
3.      Describe the picture and all that you can see happening there.
4.      Give names to the things/characters etc. you see and you may make a short story out of it as well.
5.      Request your parents to record the same if you wish!

Week 3 Activity - Weather Report

Tips to do the activity
1.        Present a short weather report as a news anchor.
2.      Take help from your parents in finding out the weather from the television or a copy of the newspapers or the internet.
3.      You may read aloud the weather report also with a small card in your hand.
4.      Have fun!
5.      Request your parents to record the same if you wish.

Week 4 Activity - Amazing Fun Facts!
Write any five fun facts about
animals/ plants/ sports/ nature etc.

Tips to do the activity
1.        Write any five fun facts about animals/plants/sports/ nature etc. 
2.      Take help of general knowledge books or other science books.
3.      You may also take help from your parents in finding out these fun facts from the internet.
4.      Now it’s time for you to present these fun facts to your family members.
5.      You may use small props or drawings for this activity as well.
6.      Request your parents to record the same if you wish.

Week 5 Activity - Welcome to my Restaurant !- Role Play Activity

Tips to do the activity
1.        Enact the role of the owner of a restaurant.
2.      Get ready to invite your family members as guests
3.      Explain your guest what all dishes you have in the menu.
4.      You may use a small menu card as a prop.
5.      Have fun!
6.      Request your parents to record the same if you wish.

For the parents
Dear Parents,
1. Encourage and assist your child to engage in and enjoy the elocution homework activities. 

2. Please share if possible short recordings of the activities on my official email-id.

Monday 18 May 2020

Week 7-Elocution-Class-2-Pooja Guglani-SCS

Topic – Good Manners and 

'Magic Words'

Learning Outcomes-
The learner will be able to 
#learn the importance of 
‘Magic Words’ 
through a teacher's 
story video.
#learn to use the same in their 
daily lives.
#enjoy listening and reciting 

the poem with actions.

Good Morning dear students,
Today let's get ready for 
Click on my recorded video below 

as I narrate a story to you. 

I hope you liked the story.

Can you recall the 'MAGIC WORDS'
that you learnt in the story?

Do you know why they are called 

These words are called 


because they have 

the magical 

of spreading happiness  

around when we use them. 
These words 

bring joy and smiles 

to those around us.

When we use these words, 
it shows that we have 

Good Manners. 
So my dear students remember 

 to use these 'MAGIC WORDS'
every day at home and in school

Let’s recite a poem about 

Good Manners 

Click on my video below.

I hope you enjoyed the poem. 

Please listen to it again and again and learn with actions. 
Today's task to be done in the 

Elocution Copy is as follows.

For the parents
Dear Parents,

1. Help your child do the work in the Elocution notebook. 
2. Kindly encourage your child to learn the poem.
3. You may make a short recording of the Poem Recitation and mail me the same on my official email id.

Monday 11 May 2020

Week 6-Elocution-Class-2-Pooja Guglani-SCS


Learning Outcomes-

The learners will be able to

# know and understand 

- the meaning of Elocution.
- what we will learn in Elocution.
- what is important for Elocution.

# enact a short Role Play

Good Morning dear students,

How are you all today?

Hope you are fine and keeping safe.

This week we will learn 

What is Elocution?

What comes to your mind when you 
read the word “Elocution”?


I have recorded a video 

in my voice for all of you!
Click below.

I hope you all know now what 

we will learn in the Elocution periods.

So remember all that I told you about



We will have fun learning together.

Don't  forget...
Today's task to be done in the 

Elocution Copy is as follows.

Fun Activity-Role Play

- Choose your favourite animal 

and modulate your voice 
to introduce that animal in a short 
role play in 4-5 sentences for
your family members.

For the parents
Dear Parents,

1. Help your child do the work in the Elocution notebook. 
2. Kindly encourage your child to revise the content of my video.
3. You may make a short recording of the Fun Activity(role play) and mail me the same on my official email id.

Monday 4 May 2020

Week 5-Elocution-Class-2-Pooja Guglani-SCS

Topic – Speech Activity and 
Story Time
Learning Outcome-

The learner will be able to

# present a short 'Thank You' 
message using Speech Prep-Card.  
#  write three describing words 
(adjectives) for his mother        

in the notebook.     
# enjoy listening to a story. 

 Good Morning dear students,

How are you all today?
Mother’s are special ! Yes they are.
Do you know Mother’s Day is 
round the corner? 
It’s celebrated on the 2nd Sunday 
of the month of May and that is 
on the 10th of May this year. 
Time to speak- Speech Activity 
’Thank You’ Message 
for my MOTHER
Step 1. Read the Speech Prep-Card.

Step 2. Think of 3 reasons 

why your mother is the best.  
Step 3. Prepare a short ’Thank You’ 

message for her.

Step 4. Get ready to speak with 

a big SMILE.
I hope your mother likes your speech.

Notebook Task 

- Time to colour and write.
Stick or draw your mother’s picture 
and write three words to describe her.

Story time
I shall leave you with an interesting 
story about a dinosaur who is 
looking for his mother.
Click the link below.

I hope you liked the story.

For the parents
Dear Parents,

Kindly take the elocution activities as fun times with your children to relax and unwind. They can be done at any time in the week.
1. Encourage your child to do the work/speech activity. 
2. Please make a short recording of the speech activity.
3. In case you don't have the Elocution notebook, the child may use a loose sheet of paper which can be stuck in the Elocution notebook later.
4. Kindly preserve all the work neatly in a folder (date wise), if you do not have the copy as yet. 
5. Please write the name and class of your child in the comments section.